Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The ups and the downs....

I hate being sick :( I have a cough and sore throat and my mom's herbs aren't helping too much... today they brought out the "big stuff" for me! But on the bright side...

Second semester starts tomorrow!!! I am amazed that 7th grade is half way done! It has gone by sooooooo stinkin' fast! I have learned a lot of things, good- from the teachers, bad-from the halls... But it is a goood experience! May I say though, the person who came up with the idea of a middle school was pretty stupid... who would come up with such a way to slowly kill children. My parents came to school one morning because of student of the month, and they were amazed and tempted to take me out of school! The best peice of advice I recieved? It is actually from the YW conference last year: When something catches your eye, don't look! Keep looking straight ahead with your head held high. Another way to get through is not for everyone, especially if your short. When your a taller seventh grader and someone calls you a "sevie" say, "excuse me, I'm an eight grader!" and they will totally leave you alone and apologize... HAHA:P!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Student of the month


Guess what?! You are now speaking to the Student of the Month at SoJo! Yep, that's right! They had a breakfast for me today and they gave me a cool plaque and stuffed animal! My parents gave a 1 minute speach which was hilarious!! My dad said that this was like my third time being picked and that he had seen some new faces today! HAHA! Then he said J/k but it was still hilarious! :P I get to have my pic put up and everything... FANCY! btw, u should be jealous! :)

Monday, January 3, 2011

New Years

Happy New Years! I am here to update you on my New Years! I actually had a great time with my friend! She also had a great time, but funny story...
We watched Romona and Beezus, started it at about 10 pm (haha) cause we were going to simply stay up until midnight, watch the ball drop, then go to sleep. We saw it was 11:30 so we went to watch the New York ball dropping whatever. About 10 minutes later, I start telling her a story. She doesn't respond. I look at her and she was dead asleep! I she survived the movie, but as soon as we sot here, she was OUT! So I watch the ball dropping, hoping she will just wake up, but she doesn't. So I'm trying to nicely wake her up by saying, "Jaclyn, Happy New Year! Jaclyn? Jaclyn, wake up. It is new year!" but it is useless. So with my evil mind, I get a crayola washable marker and start coloring on her face! I write "happy" on her forehead, but she doesn't even flinch! I start writing "new" on her cheek, and she starts moving around her face like it tickled then rubbed her cheek and smeared the writing! I start doing "Yr" but she rolls over. She then starting talking in her sleep! (I didn't tell her that!) I got an idea to wake her up-2 actually! The first idea was to dump water on her, the second was to coax her awake by saying the guy she likes is on the phone. I abandoned the first and tried the second. I said her boyfriend was on the phone and she had to wake up. The minute I mentioned her boyfriend's name, she started to wake up! I had been trying to wake her up for 20 mins! LOL!