Tuesday, April 26, 2011

A teenager, almost

Soooo, guess what tomorrow is.... MY BIRTHDAY!!! YAYAYAYAYAYAYYAYAY! I have the best of friends, all day i have had so many "Happy Birthday early"s and casual "what is your favorite candy bar"s and even flat out "what do u want for ur birthday" I am excited! Also, another great thing is that my parents and grandma and siblings are coming to lunch at school instead of taking me out because of my short lunch break. That will be fun :D!! I suppose i should mention some of my Easter... i got some awesome mock camis that attach onto ur bra and are really short, which i needed, a new outfit, a new swimsuit, gum, breathmints, socks, candy, all that fun stuff. I really did have fun! What a great week... AND Josh is getting baptized on the 30th (saturday) AND i have a dance competition... Who is the luckiest girl u know?!  

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Logan and Birthday

My Birthday was a week from yesterday... then i get to be a TEENAGER!! Yipee!!! I am soooo excited! sorry i haven't been on my blog for a while, life is busy. BUT i went to the logan competition i was so excited for!! We didn't do the best, but we did good. IT was a hard competition, and I had wanted to go for years!! YOu stay overnight for two nights in a hotel room with some girls from your team, go to a nice dinner, try and pull all-nighters (i made it to 2:30) and be girls. The night we tried to stay up all night, we got 2 complaints and were banned from going outside, BUT IT WAS WORTH IT!!!!