Sunday, December 26, 2010

Girls Camp!

This was my favorite place in the whole camp! It was a small waterfall that was amazingly great! I found at girls camp that I am rather good at conoeing! Haha!
Here are some of the girls in my ward:)

Me and Mom. It was fun my mom was able to come to camp with me since she is my leader!

Here is the lake we hiked to.

I got to go to Girls Camp this summer!!! On Monday we came up. In the middle of the National Anthem, I didn't feel well. I ran to the bathrooms but didn't make it. I threw up! I had the stomack flu for the first day of girls camp! My mom picked me up after an extremely hot day that night. I had barely eaten, slepted on a hard bunk in hot weather and thrown up the whole day! I came back up on Wed. after missing the obstacle course on Tues.- BUMMER! I had a lot of fun otherwise! There is so much that I would like to tell you, but then again I don't want to bore you out of your mind! Here are some of the pics I took while I was there (and feeling better!)

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