Rachel and Christain still sleep with stuffed animals and blankets!!! You would think they would grow out of it by now!
Sunday, March 23, 2008
TOOOOT! TOOOT! The best part of the morning, going to Disneyland on the tram!
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Rachel and Lexi rode the Dumbo ride at Disneyland together. Lexi loved flying high!
Josh is turning into Mickey Mouse!! Oh, never mind, he is just right by California Screamin'.
Lindsey was a tiny bit too small to go on Maliboomer but Rachel wasn't! She was so exited to go on it she went by herself! WOW!
Pzzzzzzzzzz Pzzzzzzzzzz! Rachel and Lindsey really liked shooting everything on the Buzzz Light Year ride!
HOLLYWOOD!! I love mom's glasses and I love the Pooh Bear ride in Disneyland. Which do I like better??? MOM'S GLASSES!!
Josh got mad and started to cry. He thought this was a great hiding place but then some teenage saw him and girls thought he was lost! At least somebody was worried about him!
Friday, March 21, 2008
We all got to choose 1 treat. The treat I chose was a popsicle and ended up making me bleed!
We love swimming in California in January! We had to swim everyday!